7 Habits To Positively Change Life

Habits to change positively are small actions that perfectly have a place in the day-to-day of any person. They lead to serenity, balance and, therefore, better attitudes and decisions.
7 habits to positively change life

One of the central proposals of Zen is to calm thoughts and emotions to build a lasting and stable inner peace.

Inner peace is a necessary condition to act appropriately and savor well-being. What is sought with these habits is to build the necessary conditions for that internal balance point to be established.

If the thoughts and emotions are kept calm, there is greater clarity to act and the strength is concentrated. We do not waste our energy uselessly and we get better results in everything. Some of those habits to change positively are the following.

1. Breathe

You would be surprised how much your life can change if you just take a moment to breathe each day and especially during difficult times. Breathing is definitive in the way our body and mind work.

Therefore, one of the habits to change positively is precisely that: breathe. It simply consists of creating the habit of taking a couple of minutes to slow your breathing, every day and every time we feel agitated.

Woman with closed eyes breathing

2. Change the narration

Without almost noticing it, many times we build a kind of script , or script, to hurt ourselves. They are those thoughts that appear and reappear to tell us that we cannot, that things will go wrong or that we should fear, etc.

One of the habits to change positively is to become aware of these repetitive negative thoughts and modify them. Let’s discard all those ideas that minimize us, blame us or violate us.

3. Smiling, one of the habits to change positively

Sometimes it helps to do a little test. It simply consists of greeting someone with a serious face and a day later smiling. In both cases, observe in detail what this generates in ourselves and in the other. We will surely notice a big difference.

It is proven that smiling is an act that by itself releases a series of neuropeptides that positively affect our mood. Therefore, try your smile and look in the mirror, especially in difficult moments. Make the smile your most common gesture.

4. Reprogram the perception of pain

Surely we have been thinking for many years that a good life is one in which there is no pain. This is wrong, as well as unrealistic. All great events in life involve some degree of pain, beginning with birth itself.

Pain is not something that should be avoided, but an experience that should be assumed as natural. But not only that, it is also one of the factors that lead us to evolve, as long as we are able to interpret it as a teaching.

5. Get involved with nature

Do not wait until you are at the limit to disconnect from the routine. One of the habits to change positively is precisely to cut with that repetitive day to day, to get in touch with nature and allow it to impregnate us with its peace.

This should not be an unusual activity, but ideally you should introduce it into your life and carry it out regularly. Getting involved with nature has as much value as working, fulfilling commitments, etc. The effect is wonderful and long-lasting.

6. Live in the present

Focusing on the past or the future is a stormy exercise. These are times that we have no impact on, other than turning it over in our heads. Most of the time thinking about it is just a way to feed nostalgia or anxiety.

It is very important that we are aware of our history. It is also essential that we are clear about where we want to go. However, the important thing is to give greater priority to the present moment, so as not to fall into negative and unprofitable moods.

Happy woman outdoors

7. Meditate

Meditation is not necessarily sitting in the lotus position on a cushion and ascending to Nirvana or something similar. You can meditate while doing the dishes, when you walk home, or in virtually any situation where you don’t have to intensively focus on something external.

Meditating is basically getting in touch with yourself. Feel you. Pay attention to the way your heart beats, the rhythm of the air that enters and leaves your body. Become aware of the thoughts that come to your mind and the feelings that are born.

All these habits to change positively are simple and applicable to the life of any person. All that is required is the desire to incorporate them into life and the discipline to make them habit.

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