5 Ways To Foster Childlike Kindness

5 ways to encourage childlike kindness

Initiating a child in the art of being a good, kind and cooperative person is the ideal to be pursued in early childhood education. If we achieve this, we will do them a great favor in their development and in their future. Among other things, if the child is able to generate a peaceful environment and not create problems marked by selfishness or aggressiveness, he will be more appreciated by others and will build his self-esteem in a healthy way. To do this, parents have to promote childlike kindness.

Kind and compassionate children have a greater sensitivity to the world, people and animals, which will lead to a better world. Of course, it is not an easy task, so today we wanted to talk about 4 keys that will help us build childlike goodness.

Encourage childlike kindness




1. Well born is to be grateful

Teaching our children the importance of gratitude will build the first floor of our great castle. The magic words (please and thank you) will open all the doors to which they knock, as they are the best business card.

However, we have been wrong to force our children to speak the magic words for absolutely everything without teaching them their value; It does not consist only in giving thanks but in making them feel grateful for what they have (for their toys, for the care they give them, for the opportunities they offer them…).

A child has to know and understand that through gratitude he generates, in addition to good feelings, reciprocity. This is how you will learn the value of what you have and what you get. In this way we will be able to promote childlike kindness.

2. Solidarity changes the world, makes it more worthy

As in all areas of life, we are the example of our children, so we must teach them the value of sharing and helping those who need it from a young age.

So the good thing is that they see how we participate in joint projects designed to solve problems in which we are not directly involved, so that their lives are filled with examples of how helping can improve the lives of others. Social commitment is a very important motivation and that we, as adults and teachers, have a duty to teach.

Happy girl lying on the floor



3. Educating the mind without educating the heart is not educating at all

To promote childlike kindness, this is another of the building blocks from which we will build the ability to be kind. Children must learn to recognize and regulate their emotions.

The goal of emotional intelligence is to cultivate kindness, making it grow along with empathy and love. Thus, emotions serve as motivation but also as a starting point for good communication in which respect and recognition of the other is present.


4. The value of effort and collaboration

We know perfectly well that our children are capable of collaborating and that doing so makes them very happy. Thus, whenever possible, we must let them collaborate with the housework and, incidentally, we can teach them that every effort has its reward.

Heart balloon


5. The mind that opens to an idea will never return to its original size.

Promoting childlike kindness and educating our children in values ​​and cultivating their knowledge is putting the world within their reach.   Let’s say that if they don’t know that they can caress the moon, they won’t try to reach it; so let’s give them a ladder.

It is very important to give our children the opportunity to grow, cultivating kindness, compassion and empathy in their hearts. In this way we will promote their happiness and well-being and, of course, that of the rest of the world.

Promoting childlike kindness is very important, will we start today to promote it?

Mother letting her son fly

Main image courtesy of Teresa Ramos Chano

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